limb restraints
limb restraints

Limb Restraints Training (Velcro Straps / Soft Cuffs)-(sector specific)

Resolute Specialise in training personnel restraint techniques that are appropriate to their setting.


As the need for personnel trained in methods of restraint has evolved so have the techniques and methods of restraint that are available. Resolute can offer training in the use of “Velcro Strap” leg restraints and “Soft Cuffs” for personnel who are dealing with people who are being violent enough to cause themselves and others harm for periods of time that make manual methods of restraint (C&R & Safe Holding) impractical and the use of mechanical restraint (Hand Cuffs) is not practically or morally acceptable.


This training can be added to any of our physical intervention courses. As with all restraint training it is imperative that personnel have the best training possible to allow for the safe and effective application of any restraint method used.


Because we carry out such rigorous pressure testing on all techniques that we instruct on for effectiveness, safety and ease of use and because we have experience of teaching physical intervention skills for over 20 years you can be sure of the quality of training your staff will receive.


Resolute is proud to say they can accommodate any sector, and prepare the necessary training that is required. All techniques instructed on will be put into the context of the sector you have staff employed in, this is most important when you consider the different reasons for the use of restraint Techniques.


  • When is the use of restraints legal & applicable in the individual setting?
  • Risk Assessments – What are the dangers of using restraint (e.g. Postural Asphyxia, DVT, time interventions).
  • Organising Physical intervention.
  • Working as a team.
  • Protecting the patient (medical courses only)
  • Take Downs (carried out safely & dependent on level of C&R required).
  • Applicable Restraint Techniques.